
I have a love & hate relationship with books. More accurately that's a love & hate relationship with reading. I love books, I think reading is incredibly good for the soul and I don't think any other medium can get inside your mind as well as a book.

But sometimes I don't like reading, I struggle to stay focused and get really picky on what I want to read to the point I don't read anything at all.

I've made a conscious effort this past 18 months to read and in 2024 I read a lot (for me at least) and felt that it'd be helpful to write about the books I've read, keep a log and write a few sentences about them.

And that's what this page is. 

Utopia for realists 

By Rutger Bregman.

I read this book mostly while travelling on long haul flights. Despite the topic it's a really approachable book and dives into the ideas of Universal Basic Income, how close the world got several times to implementing it and despite right now it being almost unfathomable that the capitalist machine will ever stop that that could also be said about all sorts of things. From the 40 day work week, universal health care, gay rights and more.

Change is coming, it's always coming and happening. Sometimes very quickly, sometimes very slowly and this book reminds us that striving for the future is something we should always do and that nothing is impossible.